Monday, July 8, 2013

There's No Place Like Huaraz

We made it to Huaraz easily and on time from Lima.  Overall, we could not have asked for an easier two days of traveling.  It is so good to see Matt and Kelsey!  It has also been awesome being back in Huaraz.  There might be other similar cities, but, according to Matt and Kelsey – who have now been in just about every climbing/trekking city in South America - this community is unique.  Everywhere we go we see people from all over the world sharing information about different climbs and swapping stories of places to climb in their home countries.  We’re “normal” here and it feels great.

Unfortunately, a number of bad things happened to Matt that delayed our departure… First, he was really, really sick and just starting to recover as we arrived.  Then, on an acclimatizing hike with Kelsey while we were in route, he was bit by a random dog.  Thus started a convoluted tutorial in rabies and the health clinics and immunizations available in Huaraz.  Worst of all, as we packed up to start a climb, Matt received word that his father had been in a terrible bike accident in Portland.  So, all in all, we delayed our trip for another day.

On a lighter note, funny story about our cook... I arranged with Zarela, the hostel owner and our logistical coordinator, to have "the older Juan" as our cook, the same cook we had two years ago.  Zarela then told Juan that he was set up for July with a group he had had before.  But when he arrived... he wasn't the same Juan!  But we weren't sure!  So proceeded a few awkward interactions where we all were trying to figure out if we actually knew each other and kind of pretending that we did.  With Zarela's help in translating, we realized that this is, indeed, a different Juan.  When we talk among ourselves, we refer to them as Juan 1 and Juan 2, respectively.

Juan 2 seems charming and is supposed to be a better cook.  We'll find out tomorrow!

We've changed our plans about a million times and, as of now, we are heading to the Inshinca Valley, a popular acclimatizing place that Michael and I have been to, but will be new to Matt and Kels.  When we get back, we plan to leave again after a rest day for the Santa Cruz valley for a 7 day trek with the four of us and our friends from Colorado, Samantha (Sam) and Bill, who we met on the Wapta traverse last year and happened to be in Huaraz at the same time.   Like Matt and Kels, Sam and Bill recently got engaged, so us girls have covered a range of topics from the relationship dynamics of climbing with our partners to the best places to pick out wedding flowers and hold bachelorette parties that are appealing to non-climbers :)

We’re looking forward to all of our adventures to come.

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